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3rd Anniversary of Project Sekai and the Reborn of Sekai Viewer


The 3rd anniversary is coming soon, only 4 days to go. According to some secret information source, the game will receive huge updates. Based on that, Sekai Viewer will have to update as well. But I want to bring you more.

I have planned this from long long ago. Current version of Sekai Viewer runs stable nearly for 3 years, and it looks fine. But it also has some problems, for example, the function to link game account does not work normally, and the helper tools are too simple and somehow outdated. And the whole Sekai Viewer is a single page application (SPA), when it becomes huge, it is difficult to maintain the performance, as well as to debug. As a SPA only runs on browser, the search engines like Google can only see the entry page of Sekai Viewer. Also, if you share the link on social media, it will not show a preview with correct information of shared page, which is technically impossible for a SPA.

Therefore, I want to split this huge SPA into several smaller, more lightweight server-side rendering (SSR) applications. The name Sekai Viewer will become something like a brand name of a series of tools for Project Sekai Colorful Stage. This is a huge project, it is a reborn of Sekai Viewer. Under this name, you will have several different, helpful tools, e.g. card viewer which includes not only the list of current cards, but also useful tools about cards even teams such as live team auto builder. In my current plan, the reborn Sekai Viewer will have the following tools:

  • Card Viewer
  • Music Viewer
  • Map Viewer
  • Event Viewer
  • Gacha Viewer
  • Game News Reader
  • Miscs Viewer (game static info e.g. characters, units, stickers, comics, missons, titles)
  • Live2D Viewer
  • Story Reader (incl. Virtual Lives)

This is only a draft plan, and is subject (and very likely) to change. The reborn project may take very long time since I have only limited time for it. If you are interested in it, you can also join me to make it come true. If you want to help me technically, you should have experience about web programming, have used at lease one popular, modern frontend framework. If you want to help me in non-technical field, such as web design, translation, user stories etc. please feel free to contact @SekaiViewer or write an email to dev@sekai.best.

At last, let's WONDERHOI for the 3rd anniversary of Project Sekai as well as Sekai Viewer!